
Oryen Network Sentiment Turns Bullish During Presale After +320% Price Spike, Compared To Aptos and Dogecoin

Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts have taken notice of The Oryen Network during its brief presale period. The fact that it has gone viral on platforms like Reddit and Youtube is evidence of this. Furthermore, after a +320% price increase during the presale, Oryen Network sentiment turned bullish compared to Aptos and Dogecoin.

Oryen (ORY)

Oryen, a star on the rise in the DeFi community, is home to the passive income. Investors in the 7th phase of its initial coin offering (ICO) presale are happy with their 320% returns.

Since all ICO purchasers are given the same opportunity to acquire pre-sale gains, the launch price of Oryen is $0.35, there is no vesting, and Oryen is automatically airdropped to holder wallets.

Oryen has no vulnerabilities as compared to Aptos and Dogecoin, thanks to its many features and the fact that it is regularly audited and recognised by leading crypto expert Darryl Boo.

Oryen is the best option for those seeking a DeFi staking platform because of the 90% annual returns it guarantees its users. The Oryen Autostaking Technic, a built-in automatic staking mechanism in the protocol, maintains this APY (OAT). With no intermediary to hold funds, traders can receive hourly payouts. Oryen’s Autostaking Technic (OAT), utilised by the platform, generates a remarkable daily ROI of 0.177%.

The following, however, demonstrates why investments should be made without delay.

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Presale PhaseDatePrice IncreaseORY PricePurchase Bonus
Presale 709 Dec — 16 Dec320%$0.215%
Presale 816 Dec — 23 Dec400%$0.255%
Presale 923 Dec — 27 Dec500%$0.30%


The blockchain technology behind Aptos was originally intended for Meta’s now-defunct web3 project (formerly Facebook). Given its potentially revolutionary infrastructure, its mainnet and the token launch was eagerly anticipated. There are fewer features in Aptos than in Oryen, so most Aptos investors are putting their money into Oryen instead.


It’s no surprise that DOGE’s price has risen dramatically, given the cryptocurrency’s popularity and the backing of investors like Elon Musk and other tech moguls. It has dropped significantly from its highs, but many experts still believe it has an upside. Oryen (ORY), on the other hand, has higher returns than Dogecoin due to its many unique features.


Oryen Network’s 320% price increase, auto-staking method, buffer value, and other features allow it to produce returns far over those provided by projects like Aptos and Dogecoin. Furthermore, ORY is currently on pre-sale, giving early adopters and investors a chance to buy the token at a discount.

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Steve Anderrson
Steve Anderrson
Steve Anderson is an Australian crypto enthusiast. He is a specialist in management and trading for over 5 years. Steve has worked as a crypto trader, he loves learning about decentralization, understanding the true potential of the blockchain.