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How AI can Revolutionize the future of cryptocurrency

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The introduction of ChatGPT has created quite a stir, sparking a heated debate about the perils of artificial intelligence. The White House recently summoned top tech executives to a meeting to reaffirm their “moral duty” to safeguard the public from the dangers of this growing technology. 

Vision for AI

Meanwhile, the “grandfather of AI,” Geoffrey Hinton, has left Google and is now warning of the “existential risk” that machine learning poses to humans.

Pundits warn that bad actors might use artificial intelligence to propagate disinformation and replace thousands of jobs, creating widespread unemployment.

Some even fear that as AI grows more sophisticated than humans, we may confront a situation similar to the iconic I, Robot film starring may Smith, in which humanoid robots revolt against their human masters.

A technological revolution

Instead of giving job-loss warnings, we should take a step back and look at the big picture. AI will ultimately enable us to automate mundane, repetitive activities, freeing up human energy for work that demands imagination, creative thought, and extensive study.

Humans will employ AI to solve complicated issues, eliminate mistakes, and eventually boost productivity instead of wasting hours on regular tasks like data entry, document processing, and customer support.

Those who are afraid of AI are afraid of change, yet change means development.

Transforming the crypto landscape

Machine learning may infuse much-needed efficiency into various economic sectors, from hospitality to investment banking to, most notably, cryptocurrencies, in addition to boosting intellectual progress.

When crypto and AI combine their powers, they will really be a force to be reckoned with. AI has the potential to remove friction from the bitcoin user experience, resulting in a truly smooth end-to-end Web3 trip. There will be no more clumsy transaction approval processes or switching between programmes.

Artificial intelligence will streamline the lengthy background operations of cryptographic protocols, giving customers a one-click experience like to that of Amazon.

This would remove one of the primary impediments to widespread crypto adoption, clearing the path for the digital asset ecosystem to replace obsolete banking systems. AI’s potential uses span the bitcoin industry, from data suppliers to investing tools.

AI bots, for example, may sift through blockchain data to deliver important insights, as well as seek for high yield prospects throughout the market and utilise them to develop investment portfolios. AI may effectively be a less expensive, non-custodial alternative for pricey investment advice and fund management, opening up a world of investing options to individuals who have hitherto been unable to afford it.

As bots grow more sophisticated, they will be able to take over daily tasks such as staking, unstaking, and authorising transactions, allowing investors and traders to focus on more important strategic choices. The human vs machine dichotomy is a tired sci-fi trope used for cheap entertainment thrills.

In actuality, AI will improve our lives and propel industry, technology, and the services sector forward. New opportunities will arise that we would not have dared to imagine before the advent of machine learning. Instead of endangering mankind, AI will eventually liberate us.

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