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Is Raoul Pal’s prediction of crypto dominance by 2030 reliable?

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Macro Investment expert and Real Vision co-founder now came up with predictions of crypto dominance in terms of source and value

Raoul Pal is known for his far-optimist stance on crypto and is one of the most listened to voices in the crypto space. Pal himself is a macro investment expert and co-founded Real Vision, which is known for its business and investment-related insights, knowledge, and opinions of industry experts. The former fund manager at Goldman Sachs has a proactive social media presence, especially on Twitter and Youtube. 

Recently Raoul Pal came up with an important chart that was comparing crypto adoption and Internet adoption. The chart updated on his Twitter account was an attempt to indicate the pace of adoption of both the technologies in almost the same course of time. 

Since the timing for Internet and Cryptocurrencies beginning was distinct so the comparison followed the same. Chart for Internet starts from 1992 while for crypto it starts from 2016 considering Bitcoin and Ethereum started getting actual recognition after that time. For both technologies, the mark of time chosen where their user count reached 5 million.  

The chart compared and showed that during the time period of six years from 1992 to 1998, internet participants reached 119 million, whereas for the same six-year window from 2016 to almost 2022 crypto users reached approx 295 million. As Pal put it, there was a growth of almost 76% in six years while for the same period cryptocurrencies experienced a growth of 137%. 

Raoul Pal thinks that the major turning point for crypto space was 2021 when digital asset adoption actually boosted. As COVID-19 brought huge catastrophes around the globe but it brought huge paradigm shifts in various traditional and existing industries and businesses. The same goes for digital payments that got boosted and people turned towards investment with interest more than before. Seeking their search for new investment opportunities their search ended in unconventional investments in the form of digital assets. 

As Real Vision CEO puts that 2021 was an accelerating growth year and he considered it the fastest adoption of any technology the world has ever seen. He projected that by December 2025 users of digital assets will reach up to 1.2 billion even if it went as slow as internet adoption moved. While the number could reach up to 2.5 billion users in the same time if it went with actual growth as the Internet grew. 

Pal says the prediction gets more and more optimistic with each passing year. He says even going with a 76% usual growth rate, crypto users by 2030 would reach more than 5 billion users. By doing so, digital assets would ultimately become the dominant source for owning, transferring, and recording of value and contractual terms globally, which Raoul Pal finds fantastic. 

ALSO READ: Professor At Wharton Encourages The Federal Reserve To Bite The Bullet As Well As Protect The US Dollar, Warning Against Bitcoin’s Takeover

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