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How to make an NFT on Solana?

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NFT on Solana
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NFT or Non-Fungible Token’s craze has been booming in the ecosystem. Everyone one in the ecosystem is looking to own at least one such one of a kind crypto token. We have noted that due to low gas fees and potential, many are looking to mint Non-fungible Tokens on Solana blockchain. However, creating a digital collectible on Solana could be difficult as the infrastructure for doing so is in its nascent stage. However, using the blockchain API that simplifies many functions would help create such a token easily on Solana.

Prerequisites to mint an NFT on Solana

To begin with minting a unique crypto collectible on Solana, we first need a wallet which consists of a mnemonic phrase and a public key. After creating a wallet successfully we need the mnemonic key and use the CLI derivation path with the default passphrase.

Besides, to mint the token we also need some SOL cryptocurrency in our wallet. This will also help to get a fee estimate for minting the NFT. As the wallet is ready with some balance in it, we can begin further.

Notably, we only need to provide a mnemonic key.

With wallet ready minting an NFT is just a single call

Once we will have the prerequisites set up, minting the Non-Fungible Token is just a single API call away. At first we need to call the below API:

import requests

   "secret_recovery_phrase": MNEMONIC_PHRASE,
   "derivation_path": "",
   "network": "devnet",
   "nft_name": "Rare Rare Punk Pig #001",
   "nft_symbol": "PUNKPIG",
   "nft_url": "",
   "nft_upload_method": "LINK"
response =

Notably, the API call takes about a minute only to complete. As it runs successfully we will get back to NFT mint info.

   'data': {
       'creators': ['8m24W8DvoJ9p1ANDcNbyZMQTgPV9Vrr8DtxApsE4oBTQ'],
       'name': 'Rare Rare Punk Pig #001',
       'seller_fee_basis_points': 0.0,
       'share': [100.0],
       'symbol': 'PUNKPIG',
       'uri': '',
       'verified': [1.0]
   'is_mutable': True,
   'mint': 'AH9PQLt4ksW4FhoCSGzjcwPjzpnhUbhZEwFrdDYyMjA',    
   'mint_secret_recovery_phrase': 'plastic tooth clinic finger pig garden outer suffer kiwi spread film arrive',
   'primary_sale_happened': False,
   'update_authority': '8m24W8DvoJ9p1ANDcNbyZMQTgPV9Vrr8DtxApsE4oBTQ'

With the completion of this you can celebrate as you have minted your first NFT on the Solana network. Moreover, to check transactions we can use and search our mint address.

Benefits of mining NFTs on Solana

NFT tokens that are based on Solana are minted in a few seconds only for cheaper fees. Moreover, the minting on the SOL ecosystem ensures that the process never fails. In contrast, on the overcrowded network of Ethereum blockchain the minting process of these NFTs takes notable time and several times results in failure, yet teh buyers still have to pay the gas fees which is significantly very high.

It is also noteworthy that the crypto collectibles we mint on Solana are directly tied to the wallet which the users can control. Indeed, the aforementioned factors push the blockchain network as one of the most favorable to mint NFTs.

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