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Bitcoin experiences $15K strikes ‘financial breakdown’- Arthur Hayes

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  • With the inflation in the United States relieved, the Fed is the target of almost every crypto strategist in 2023.
  • The crypto assets will “get buried” while  Federal Reserve policy overturns from limited to flexible- Arthur Hayes.
  • Bitcoin will only be among the risk assets that ‘crater’ as the Fed is pushed to abolish quantitative tightening in the coming days.

Arthur Hayes words

On January 19, Arthur Hayes, the ex-Chief Executive Officer of the  BitMEX exchange forecasted a “global financial breakdown.”

Bitcoin’s ongoing rally will not possibly be taken as the initiation of a new bull run, Hayes stated in the new disquisition on the United States macroeconomic law, alerting that crypto assets will “get buried” while  Federal Reserve policy overturns from limited to flexible. 

With the inflation of the United States relieved, the Fed is the target of almost every crypto strategist in 2023 as they calculate the possibility of a law “pivot” away from quantitative tightening and interest rate surges to flat and then dropping rates, and capably even quantitative easing (QE). 

This practically includes a step away from voiding the finance of liquidity to administer it back in, and at the same time that act resulted in all-time highs for Bitcoin starting in 2020, the same act will not be ordinary sailing next time around, Hayes trusts. 

“If the elimination of half a trillion dollars in the last year made a bad bond and stock show in some hundred years think what will be if double the amount is eliminated this year,” he said. 

And fundamentally, instead of a smooth change away from QT, Hayes is staking on extreme conditions pushing the Fed to act. “Some portion of the US credit market breaks, which results in a financial breakdown over the broad course of economic assets, he described.

“In a reply identical to the action it took in March three years back, the FED invited a sudden press conference and quits QT, eliminating the rates importantly, and endorses Qualitative Easing by buying bonds again.” This sequentially means “risky asset prices bowl.” 

“Bonds, equities along with each crypto under the sun all get buried as the adhesive that holds together the global USD-grounded financial system breaks down,” the blog post carries on. 

Recent calculates, as demonstrated by CME group’s FedWatch Tool, fiercely esteem the Fed reducing the pace of rate surges at its next judgment on February 1. 

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