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Metashift: Facilitating Businesses Inclined Towards Metaverse

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  • Helpshift has launched Metashift, the sole customer support solution for the currently trending Metaverse
  • Metashift estimates that by the year 2030, Metaverse retail market will be valued at $2.5 Trillion.
  • Helpshift plans to deploy its new product Metashift support solution, in three phases.

It seems like there is good news for the ones looking to take an entry in the Metaverse with their businesses. A company called Helpshift is providing a product, namely Metashift, claiming it to be the sole customer support solution for the virtual world. 

This product facilitates the brands to provide their clients with immersive service and user support. The software enables blockchain verification along with in-world support for mobile, VR and AR experiences. 

Metashift signifies that by 2024, the metaverse retail market might be worth $800 Billion. And by the year 2030, it is estimated to be valued at $2.5 Trillion. And that the primary contributor to this can be gaming software and services. The gaming sector is currently the primary factor developing the building blocks for the virtual world. 

What does Metashift Aim At? 

Metashift aims at offering businesses a smooth ride in the Metaverse and making them enhance their customer experiences. They want to ensure great in-world experiences for the purchasers. 

Furthermore, utilising the new metaverse customer offering, users can have proper interactions in the form of queries and feedback. They can talk with an agent also, without leaving the Metaverse. Brands can also increase customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores. 

According to Eric Vermillion, the CEO of Helpshift, the Metaverse is a transformative and immersive development in the way people interact with brands online. However, in order to thrive, companies must prioritise the user experience to prevent churn and create raving fans. Users should have an easy way to leave feedback and get in world support without the need to leave the Metaverse experience. 

How Will Metashift’s Emergence Will Back Businesses? 

Helpshift is planning to deploy its new product Metashift support solution, in three-phase. Phase One is kept for free feedback, bug and crash reporting so that the company can make sure that everything is taking place properly. 

Whereas for phase two, Helpshift is planning for blockchain verification, Metashift will verify asset ownership like NFTs. Brands need to deal with Self Sovereign Identities (SSI) that would come with being in the Metaverse. According to the website, its expected availability will be by Q3 this year. 

And the last one, phase three, would involve VR support where the customers can interact with the support via the VR service. The Anticipated availability is by Q4 this year. 

Brands can initiate using the Metashift for free after it’s made available in early May. And a live discussion and Q&A session are set for April 7. 

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